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Maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae): a synthesis of ecological, genetic, and molecular processes. Mobley KB, Aykanat T*, Czorlich Y*, House A*, Kurko J*, Miettinen A*, Moustakas-Verho J*, Salgado A*, Sinclair-Waters M*, Verta J-P*, Primmer CR. Preprint available at [*authors listed alphabetically].

35. Öhlund G, Bodin M, Nilsson KA, Öhlund S-O, Mobley KB, Hudson AG, Peedu M, Brannstrom A, Bartels P, Praebel K, Hein CL, Johansson P, Englund G. 2020. Ecological speciation in European whitefish is driven by a large-gaped predator. Evolution Letters. 4:243-256.

34. Mobley KB, Granroth-Wilding H, Ellmen M, Orell P, Erkinaro J, Primmer CR. 2020. Time spent in distinct life history stages has sex‐specific effects on reproductive fitness in wild Atlantic salmon. Molecular Ecology. 29:1173-1184

33. Mobley KB*, Granroth-Wilding H*, Ellmen M, Vähä J-P, Aykanat T, Johnston SE, Orell P, Erkinaro J, Primmer CR. 2019. Home ground advantage: local Atlantic salmon have higher reproductive fitness than dispersers in the wild. 2019. Science advances. 5:2/eaav1112. [*shared first authorship]

32. Mobley KB, Morrongiello JR, Warr M, Bray DJ, Wong BBM. 2018. Female ornamentation and the fecundity trade-off in a sex-role reversed pipefish. Ecology and Evolution. 8, 9516-9525.

31. Maitre D*, Selmoni OM*, Uppal A*, Marques da Cunha L, Wilkins LGE, Roux J, Mobley KB, Castro I, Knörr S, Robinson-Rechavi M, Wedekind C. 2017. Sex differentiation in grayling (Salmonidae) goes through an all-male stage and is delayed in genetic males who instead grow faster. Scientific Reports. 7: 15024. [* shared first authorship]

30. Braga Goncalves I, Cornetti L, Couperus BS, van Damme CJG, Mobley KB. 2017. Phylogeography of the snake pipefish, Entelurus aequoreus (Family: Syngnathidae) in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 122, 787-800.

29. Kasper C*, Vierbuchen M*, Ernst U, Fischer, Radersma R, Raulo A, Cunha-Saraiva F, Wu M, Mobley KB† & Taborsky B†. 2017. Genetics and developmental biology of cooperation. Molecular Ecology. 26:4364-4377. [*shared first authorship, †shared senior authorship]

28. Monroe MJ, Amundsen T, Utne-Palm AC, Mobley KB. 2016. Seasonal variation in male alternative reproductive tactics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 29: 2362-2372.

27. Braga Goncalves I, Mobley KB, Ahnesjö I, Sagebakken G, Adam G. Jones, Kvarnemo C. 2015. Effects of mating order and male size on embryo survival in a pipefish. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 114: 639-645.
[Featured in "Virtual Issue: 100 years of the Swedish Linnaeus Society"]

26. Henrich T, Hafer N, Mobley KB. 2014. Effects of visible implant elastomer (VIE) tagging and partial tissue sampling on the immune response of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. Journal of Fish Biology. 3: 965-971.

25. Wacker SB, Amundsen T, Forsgren E, Mobley KB. 2014. Within-season variation in sexual selection in a fish with dynamic sex roles. Molecular Ecology. 23: 3587-3599.

24. Mobley KB, Abou Chakra M, Jones AG. 2014. No evidence for size-assortative mating in the wild despite mutual mate choice in sex-role-reversed pipefishes. Ecology and Evolution. 4: 67-78.

23. Mobley KB. 2014. “Mating systems and the measurement of sexual selection”. In: Animal Behavior. Vol II: Function and Evolution of Animal Behavior. Editor Ken Yasukawa. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.

22. Mobley KB, Jones AG. 2013. Overcoming statistical bias to estimate genetic mating systems in open populations: a comparison of Bateman’s principles between the sexes in a sex-role-reversed pipefish. Evolution. 67:646-660.

21. Wacker S, Mobley KB, Forsgren E, Myhre L, de Jong K, Amundsen T. 2013. Operational sex ratio but not density affects sexual selection in a fish. Evolution. 67: 1937-1949.

20. Aronsen T, Mobley KB, Berglund A, Sundin A, Billing A, Rosenqvist G. 2013. The operational sex ratio and density influence spatial relationships between breeding broad-nosed pipefish. Behavioral Ecology. 24: 888-897.

19. Mobley KB, Colas Ruiz R, Johansson F, Englund G, Bokma F. 2013. No evidence that stickleback spines directly increase risk of predation by an invertebrate predator. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 15: 189-198.

18. Aronsen T, Berglund A, Mobley KB, Ratikainen II, Rosenqvist G. 2013. Sex ratio and density affects sexual selection in a sex-role reversed fish. Evolution. 67: 3243-3257.

Editorial for special column New horizons in sexual selection research
17. Mobley KB, Karlsson Green K. 2013. New horizons in sexual selection research. Current Zoology. 59: 553-557.

16. Mobley KB, Lussetti D, Johansson F, Englund G, Bokma F. 2011. Morphological and genetic divergence in Swedish postglacial stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11: 287.

15. Mobley KB, Partridge C, Ahnesjö I, Kvarnemo C, Berglund A, Jones AG. 2011. The effect of maternal body size on within-brood survivorship in a sex-role-reversed pipefish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65: 1169-1177.

14. Mobley KB, Small CM, Jones AG. 2011. The genetics and genomics of Syngnathidae (pipefishes, seahorses and seadragons). Journal of Fish Biology. 78: 1624-1646.

13. Kvarnemo, C, Mobley KB, Partridge C, Jones AG, Ahnesjö I. 2011. Male provisioning – evidence of nutrient transfer to embryos in the pipefish Syngnathus typhle. Journal of Fish Biology. 78: 1725-1737.

News and views
12. Mobley KB. 2011. Grandfathering in a new era of parentage analysis. Molecular Ecology, 20: 1080-1082.

11. Sagebakken G, Ahnesjö I, Mobley KB, Braga Goncalves I, Kvarnemo C. 2010. Brooding fathers, not siblings, take up nutrients from embryos. Proceedings of the Royal Society – B, 277: 971-977.

10. Braga Goncalves I, Mobley KB, Ahnesjö I, Sagebakken G, Jones AG, Kvarnemo C. 2010. Reproductive compensation by broad-nosed pipefish females. Proceedings of the Royal Society – B, 277: 1581-1587.

9. Svensson O, Lissåker M, Mobley KB. 2010. Offspring recognition and the influence of clutch size on nest fostering among male sand gobies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64: 1325-1331.

8. Mobley KB, Small C, Jue, N, Jones AG. 2010. Population structure of the dusky pipefish, Syngnathus floridae as revealed by microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analysis. Journal of Biogeography, 37: 1363-1377.

Featured in: Wilson, AB (2009) Opening Pandora's box: comparative studies of genetic mating systems reveal reproductive complexity. Molecular Ecology, 18: 1307-1309.
7. Mobley KB, Jones AG. 2009. Environmental, demographic, and genetic mating system variation among five geographically distinct dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae) populations. Molecular Ecology, 18: 1476–1490.

6. Mobley KB, Amundsen T, Forsgren E, Svennson PA, Jones AG. 2009. Multiple mating and a low incidence of cuckoldry for nest-holding males in the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9: 6.

5. Partridge C, Ahnesjö I, Kvarnemo C, Mobley KB, Berglund A, and Jones AG. 2009. The effect of perceived female parasite load on post-copulatory male choice in a sex-role-reversed pipefish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63: 345–354.

4. Mobley KB, Jones AG. 2007. Geographic variation in the mating system of the dusky pipefish, Syngnathus floridae. Molecular Ecology, 16: 2596–2606.

3. Hoffman EA, Mobley KB, Jones AG. 2006. Male pregnancy and the evolution of body segmentation in seahorses and pipefishes. Evolution, 60: 404-410.

2. Mobley KB, Gleason DF. 2003. The effect of light quality and heterotrophy on carotenoid concentrations in the Caribbean anemone Aiptasia pallida (Verill). Marine Biology, 143: 629-637.

1. Mobley KB, Fleeger JW. 1999. Diet of Scartella cristata; an artificial habitat-associated blenny. Vie et Milieu, 49: 221-228.

Book Chapters
1. Mobley KB. 2014. “Mating systems and the measurement of sexual selection”. In: Animal Behavior. Vol II: Function and Evolution of Animal Behavior. Editor Ken Yasukawa. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.
Other Publications
1. Mobley KB, Doukakis P, Jonahson, M. Reef discovery and utilization in Antongil Bay, Republic of Madagascar. Reef Encounter, 23: April 2004