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Maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae): a synthesis of ecological, genetic, and molecular processes. Mobley KB, Aykanat T*, Czorlich Y*, House A*, Kurko J*, Miettinen A*, Moustakas-Verho J*, Salgado A*, Sinclair-Waters M*, Verta J-P*, Primmer CR. Preprint available at https://ecoevorxiv.org/u8zjm/. [*authors listed alphabetically].
35. Öhlund G, Bodin M, Nilsson KA, Öhlund S-O, Mobley KB, Hudson AG, Peedu M, Brannstrom A, Bartels P, Praebel K, Hein CL, Johansson P, Englund G. 2020. Ecological speciation in European whitefish is driven by a large-gaped predator. Evolution Letters. 4:243-256.
34. Mobley KB, Granroth-Wilding H, Ellmen M, Orell P, Erkinaro J, Primmer CR. 2020. Time spent in distinct life history stages has sex‐specific effects on reproductive fitness in wild Atlantic salmon. Molecular Ecology. 29:1173-1184
33. Mobley KB*, Granroth-Wilding H*, Ellmen M, Vähä J-P, Aykanat T, Johnston SE, Orell P, Erkinaro J, Primmer CR. 2019. Home ground advantage: local Atlantic salmon have higher reproductive fitness than dispersers in the wild. 2019. Science advances. 5:2/eaav1112. [*shared first authorship]